Wednesday, May 25, 2011
The Art of Flow
A dear friend of mine wrote me inquiring about requesting assistance in how she can learn to let go and go with the flow. She was feeling that by living in the flow she could live life more easily and enjoyably, and, in essence, live in a lighter way. Her message left me so inspired & thought provoked, I began to become conscious of my own flow, my own allowance of it, my own resistances to it and how I flow in and out of the flow itself. I began to consider the Art of the Universal Flow, and so these are my musings...
I feel going with the flow is an emergence of being, and art form developed with practice. Something so beautiful, elegant & gentle, that if you spontaneously become aware of the flow while in it, it can sometimes shock you out of it. In fact, the flow itself almost implies that if you are overtly focused on it, you are not flowing with it. Understandably, this can be tricky for lots of people, and truthfully, I know many who experience a flow-complex. Complex, indeed, as the flow seems to be structured on simplicity, as that is how the flow relates to everything.
So what is the flow? I feel the flow as a continuous pulse of communication that is streaming through our vibratory being, physical, spiritual, emotional & mental, in every single moment. The stream of in-formation is the ripples spanning through all dimensional levels, cosmic space-time from the Heart of the Creation Source. The Creation Source Heart Pitter-Pats This & That, to all the multiplicity contained within it, constantly connected to it, in communication with it. For in truth, any disconnection from the Meta-Mother-Father Heart is the act of a rebellious Child descending into curiosity for the sake of en-lightened development, while the Parents love from a distance, awaiting the Epic-Epoch of Re-Union. Always Loving, Always Here, Always Connected through the Flow.
At this time, we are returning in alignment with the Flow, astrological aligned with Galactic Center, Our Meta-Mother-Father Hub. The current Sun is changing rapidly as a whole new set of instructions, frequencies and fosterings are forged from The Source, passed through our Solar System, re-arranging all levels of creation, and, raising the vibration of the one we have been existing in for some time. So in essence, we are experiencing a higher-vibratory flow, where in every moment new depths of well(th) stream the flow through our subtle body & physical form, enhancing Us as it makes its way through Us. So if, at times, the flow feels restricted, forgive the flow & know too that the flow in every moment is becoming more intense and to flow with it means to allow all change and all transformation to take place within & throughout you in full Trust, Faith & Encouragement. Encouraging the flow to enter, move, through & structure things according to how it seems to be.
Any sense of resistance to the flow, causes friction with the flow itself. This friction has been pivotal to this level of the creation experiment until now, which has caused chaotic disruption and a meta-disharmony with our Planetary Mother, her natural rhythms & our brother-sister humans. In fact its our inherent connection to the Source and its ever-pulsing Love for us that allowed us to experience the polar opposite, through resisting our own Divine Nature. Wonderfully enough, as the current flow enters through the Planet & through Ourselves, it burns off the restriction friction. The flow burns away limitation & moves through the limitless potential of Unconditional Love.
The Unconditional Love of this Current Flow has high-vibratory organization properties, which sweeps up anything within us that is not on par with this energy. Thus, all the elements of not being with the flow come lashing out - deep rooted patterns of victim-persecutor consciousness are exposed and equilibrium is restored through compassion, understanding & forgiveness for a project complete, ready to be rewarded. In fact, these final lessons of what it has been like & is like to be out of the flow are part of the reward, a blessing bestowed of a collective skin now shedding.
As the flow now reveals our true selves & shines greater light into the mystery, we become more fully present to who we are, re-membering our origin(al) essence. Therefore, being unhinged from the flow can detour one from being fully present and existing from their truth. For in this truth one's path emerges, their purpose takes form. It's interesting how form comes from flow, from how the turning of tides designs the shore lines..
I feel that the best way to function as one with the flow is to be existing form a place in greatest harmony with it...this place lies within your heart. By consciously placing your awareness into your heart, and then living through the body, one can more easily tap into releasing into the stream of existence. This is the act of surrender, releasing yourself into your heart and allowing the stream to carry you into more of yourself. In existing from the Heart you align with the Meta-Heart, the Heart-Source. You can then be nestled as a seed on a strawberry, in the Loving sweetness, perfect placeness, that wishes to guide you, carry you, show you the way back home.
Becoming One with the flow I feel carries with it the essence of becoming one with every vibratory nook & cranny of your existence, and too, your physical form. Thus, the practice of yoga, exploratory dance, and movement theater can further bring you right here, right now, into this ever-changing moment, through ever-changing movement. For I feel that when one is here in the moment, the flow becomes a dance where the places of resistance are brought up, through, acknowledged & released back into the flow. Perhaps there are places in your body, mind & spirit where you are experiencing blockages, where traumas have been stored in your cellular & vibratory memory, and if so, breathing the flow through you, into you, into these places you may feel, opening & expanding can allow the flow to re-acquaint with all places within.
The flow is constantly changing, but it is always there, always supportive, always guiding, always bringing in more & more of who you are. Feel the flow, Love the Flow & Be the Flow. Trust the Flow, as it Only can show you More of Yourself. Allow yourself to Feel the Flow & Let the Flow Feel You...and soon, you may feel that you are the Flow & The Flow Is You...Becoming One with All that Is...
In Love!
Place Hands over Your Heart & State
"I let go of control over my mental mind & surrender all resistances"
"I Am Open to the unconditional Love, Wisdom of my Heart"
"I Am One with the Flow, I Am One with Source Energy"
"I Am that I Am"
And then dance...
In Love & Grace, As the Flow Brings Infinite Blessings,
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