Thursday, March 10, 2011

Centering in the Divine

Meditating in the Florida sunshine, beams of gossamer gentle move through my forehead, massaging my third eye as I take in a relaxed breath.  Exhaling, transmissions of an ever-upgrading light code matrix spiral down my multi-dimensional body, grounding into the central core of the planet.  Feeling still serenity, I breath up a tender appreciation through my heart, as flashes of birds, rolling waves, whispy clouds shoot warmth down my extremities and the feeling climbs back through me out into the center of the sun itself, as I begin to further open myself as a singularity of service.

Time synchronicity sequences have seemingly aligned me to a force felt within so strong, I feel I can now see how I've been incredibly distracted by peripheral light sources which I thought were going to fill my genetic longing.  The force I speak of is my Center that lies within the stillness of my opening heart.  It is the branch of the Creator's tree that makes up the conduit for which my energetic and physical axis spins.

In previous times, it has taken me many hours of meditation, ceremony or other focused practice to end up at the center.  Feeling as though a stubborn ego and resistance to that which is purest led me to exhausting all possible routes.  After chaotic dispersion, I would finally give up on what I was desiring to manifest, letting go entirely, laying down in surrender and then ironically realizing I had been in the Center all a long, connected to God in every moment, at the whim of my own disillusioned self-will.  Frustration would arise, feeling as though I had to go through the emotional disparity of losing hope to regain it whenever I wanted to achieve something with profound meaning for myself.

Practice, prayer, and a ceaseless commitment to healing has begun to shift the poles within me. As I Am the Earth and we share the same heart, her inner and outer changes are my own.  In the places I have experienced the greatest pain do I find an emotional release and the greatest love potential.  In overcoming my resistances do I find my greatest power, discipline and focus.  In moving towards my challenges and negative reverberations, I find resolution to long-held karmic patterns in which I Am ready to let go.

In symbiotic solar system sychro-I Am-ionization, as the Sun aligns with Galactic Center, the Galactic Center receives direct transmissions from Creation Source and the Earth awakens to its sentience in the cradled hands of God, I too become secure, traveling in the unravelling mystery of mysteries.  I too align with the trinities within trinities, bridging my physical form with my I Am oversoul above the illusion of dense duality.  The merger of sprit and matter achieve sacred union in the relationships of nature and the modern world's dance, while my inner disposition finds a profound peace until now unknown to itself.

Ah, this is what my yearning heart has desired for millennia, to start at my inner Center, to align first and foremost with the Creation Source and from there have all my thoughts, actions and manifestations be drawn from and back into.  That I may reach and continually stretch for the highest purest form of Ineffable Light and fully surrender to the blessings reciprocated for my efforts.  In an indelible focus towards Ascension, I have begun to become my Higher-Self.  I have begun to unify my inner masculine and feminine, High Priest and Priestess, God and Goddess.  Acting in the natural essence of time, aligning with the intentional energy of creation, I find the most sacred path to impregnate the beautiful landscape of life with my Angelic visions, birthing them manifest in the physical.

The opportunity for Oneness is amongst Us, however, we still must make the choice to move towards it in every moment, remembering to move back directly to it in moments of distraction, ungroundedness and the purging of fear as our default mechanism.  With humble gratitude and righteous rejoice for a long awaited Reunion with myself and the energies of Creation pulsing through me in every moment, I offer others my words, energetic exchange and excitement.  May you awaken to your own I Am divinity, and may our collective acknowledgment of each other's Godliness fuel the creative coals of a coiling train to the Center-most Cosmic Lovedom. May you be well in stillness and faithful in the action of the Highest Light.

And so it is...

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