Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ascension Through Perception

We are currently in the epic epoch of acceleration, transformation and awakening. The Earth is undergoing a full resurgence of her divine Mother Hood and we, her children, are illuminating the divine blueprint hid out of view until this growth spurt's uncoiling.  For many, they call this a time of Ascension. That we along with the planet are raising in our vibratory awareness, becoming less dense, in a hyper-holographic creatorship with our reality.  In essence, our internal and outer reality are re-aligning, re-membering connections that have been there all along. With this process comes transmuting the degrees of separation which have long held us restricted, in feelings of longing, separation, unworthiness and limitation. I'd like to now examine how Ascension comes through the expansion, inclusion and enlightening of our individual and collective expression.

In every moment we are making millions, even trillions of conscious and unconscious decisions. Just by choosing to be in a certain place in a certain moment, one is ruling out every other potential location, with an infinite number of potential choices, inputting and outputting energy from their experience. From an Infinite timeline and multi-verse perspective, all alternative remote locations, each with their alternative choices, are co-existing in a vast multitude of parallel realities alongside this one. In fact, in every moment you are free to access this diverse time-scape of realities, which thus makes each one of us a multi-dimenionsal being of expanded capacity to live in the moment.  So, what are all the choices we make in the each moment, how exactly do these choices impact our happiness our spiritual growth and the health of Our Mother Earth?

Perhaps take a moment to find your center and enter a space where this multitude of timelines is present.  Feel these variations of your being all co-existing simultaneously.  What within this complex field feels the best?  Where is the path of highest excitement? Where is the path least trodden? Are they the same?

Each meal, each breath, each step, each thought is composed of a organic orchestration of notes, scales, octaves and rhythms all agreeing to formulate the musical of your life.  Perhaps then we can see how our actions in the moment may affect future decisions and impact.  Say for instance, renting a place to live requires one to enter an agreement that may then restrict travel plans, yet liberate room for expression.  Maybe the opposite is true.

Perhaps we can also see how our projections into the future limit our ability to create.

The veil is now being lifted from our inner-outer interface, where we are seeing that our unacknowledged shadow self has unconsciously created an Earth environment desperately in need of healing and repair.  We are also seeing that our inner awakening and self remembrance is spawning in organization, celebration and new potential, giving us hope, faith and trust in what is to come.  In turn, we take this renewed hope & faith and apply it to our inner healing process, connected to the Earth and begin to constructively manifest solutions to the toxic challenges, as we choose to gradually ignore them no longer.  In fact, it is as if the toxic environment, social disparity, hunger and poverty are a direct reflection of our unconscious shadow. As our inner unconscious becomes conscious, we develop and innovative technologies, resources and efforts to heal our precious Earth reality, which we are all agreeing simultaneously to inhabit and be of service towards.

I feel as though now we have entered a new stage in self-development. In this stage of development, we are able to see how the weight we apply to our perception affects the gravity of the situation around us.  In other words, the more challenging, difficult and seemingly Impossible we make tasks, activities and even trauma seem, the greater weight it has over our lives.  The heavier the state of being, the act of doing, the less likely the outcome of it getting done, and the less likely to receive the support of the greater whole.

In the past cycle of time we were in an era of sleepy density, coming full cycle now at the exponential apex of acceleration, reflected in our self-development, technology and overall evolution.  Essentially, I feel we are re-evaluating the density relationship with our inner-outer reality.  It is as if instead of Impossible feats, doomed failure and repressive gloom, we see heightened opportunities, potential work, abundance and resource sharing.  From our inner perspective, we see our deepest wounds as our greatest gifts, driving forth purpose and meaning into our lives.

As we in-lighten our relationships with the world around us, we release the limitations which once boxed us in to lifelong careers, cubicle employment and mad races around the clock seemingly driving nowhere with our deep desires.   Our deep desires are now seen as the fuel of our furtherest success, aligning us in the collective timeline reality of our highest vibratory choosing.  It is in this extremely conscious decsion making, where we examine every choice, and to those we have attached heaviness to, alchemically alter the energetic signatures through the inner work of being present with them.

Bashar says, "Ascension is the act of becoming the reality you previously thought you existed in." Perhaps we can add to that, as we realize we become this reality through in-lightening the relationships we have with it.  I feel as though our unconscious is a dynamic database of decisions made heavy, awaiting their conscious attention and re-evaluation, so as the time is right to reclaim our reality co-creation for the betterment of the whole.  By entering the unconscious with the intent of doing this work, it begins to be instantly uplifted.  The work accelerated through intention, complimented by synchronicity, all the while enriching the experience of the moment. That separation ceases to exist where light persists.  That wherever there is weight there is a limited state.

Through this collective alchemical work through our inner-outer reality, we are changing the very interface of the Earth itself. As quantum mechanics dictates, the reality is altered by the observer, therefore, the lighter the observers perception, the lighter the reality.  The lighter our collective projection the greater we ascend with the planet, Mother Gaia, as One.  I feel it is this symbiotic relationship of stewardship through simple presence which is being called to action in this moment now.  Father Sky calls for our recognition to instill us the memories and the energetic transmission of transformation, available to us now to carry forth in how we see each other and the world around us.  May you see light in the darkness, and carry this light into this Ascension we share.

Practice Exercise
Enter a meditative state, calm breath, finding center.
Ground to Gaia and connect with Father Sky
Call upon your Guides, Angels and Guardians of the Light
In this state ask yourself: in this moment, what feels heavy within me?
Perhaps it's a bodily region, task or past event
Is this weight restricting me?
Be present with this weight
Be present with your  light, joy and excitement, giving yourself permission to feel free and good.
Revisit that heavy place, with this high-vibratory expression and continue until the heaviness feels lifted.
Give thanks and gratitude
Move on to another energetic signature or go within or go out and play!

Blessings In Loving A'scension!

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